Dish - To gossip; to relay information about the personal situation of another.
Dish - an item of food or group of food
I plan on doing both here.
Those that know me know that I have had a blog in the past, my relationship and friends will NOT be discussed.
I want too keep my friends and my husband so those topics are off limits this time around, I still plan on making the blog interesting and if you stick around long enough you will laugh. You will learn to cook a little and you will hear the most random shit you gar ever heard in your life.
Now one FYI there us never a reason to tell me how wron I am about my beliefs I will just tear you apart and make fun of you, if you don't like my blog don't read it. I am not doing this for popularity buy more of a way for me to express my self . . . Ok enough faggoty talk on with te blog.
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